Shuyler at age 8 was a student at the Cleveland Institute of Art, painting a part of his father’s farm on Stine Road in Northfield. During his school years he won premiums for Pen & Crayon drawings at fairs. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer “Schuyler Sisler is an Artist, Painter, Decorator and adept at fine lettering”. His library is extensive according to his admiring wife. His hobby of 22 years was collecting antique postcards and at one time he had collected over 12,000, many are rare, fancy, novelty and Easter cards. In 1972 while recuperating from major surgery he hand lettered the Gettysburg Address, this work of art took 100 hours. He became an Abraham Lincoln “buff’ and said the reason he thought Lincoln was so great was “He had humility and a Christ-like quality, he would forgive and forget, pardon than punish, and he radiated warmth”. (some info came from Linda Fleming at the Richfield Historical Society’s book “Around Town” by Dorcas Snow)