Michael is married with 3 sons and a daughter as well as 8 grandchildren. He loves to tinker and drive his 1924 Dodge Brothers 116 Special sedan. In 1990 after consulting with his wife Polly, he quit his job, and they started Wheeler Publishing Company. Polly and Michael ran Wheeler Publishing for twenty years. During 2009 they were looking for companies to buy since it was a great time to buy. Instead of buying they did a merger with another company that did the same things they did but shared no customers. That company is Novex Systems, LLC. Michael decided to go into local politics and was first elected to Richfield Village Council in 2007. He ran for Mayor in 2019 and was elected in November of that year. He was re-elected in 2023. He has been Mayor for just over four years and loves the work he is doing. He has been an Assistant Boy Scout Master, President of Bath-Richfield Kiwanis Club, a Member of the Richfield UCC for 38 years as well as a member of the Church Council, sat on the boards of directors of seven different companies, and a Master Mason. He started His Masonic journey in June of 2009. Michael discovered that just about every man he knew and could call a friend was a Master Mason. He rose through the chairs at a rather rapid rate and became Master of the lodge in 2016. He was also on a parallel path as a 32 degree Scottish Rite Mason going through the chairs in the Lodge of Perfection and becoming the Thrice Potent Master in 2015. 2 of his 3 sons joined the lodge as well as his son-in-law in 2010, all becoming Master Masons.