George was born April 7, 1839, in Boston Township, OH, where he lived, married and raised his 3 children. He is the s/o George & Catherine Carter Stanford.  George went to school in the second schoolhouse which was erected in this district, and he has always lived in his present farm, which now comprises of 300 acres, 100 of which is under cultivation, being devoted principally to Wheat and Hay. He is a Republican and has served as Delegate to the County Conventions. He was elected Justice of the Peace and was re-elected but resigned before the expiration of his second term. He was Assessor for three years. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of which George is a Trustee & Steward, in addition to having been Superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He has been a member of Summit County Agricultural Society for a long period. He was postmaster at Boston from 1875 to 1885. Some info came from Randy Bergdorf at the Peninsula Library & Historical Society. In the 1860 Summit County Census, Boston Twp age 21 living with parents. 1880 Summit County Census, Boston Twp age 41 lives with wife daughter, two sons, father, sister, aunt, 2 boarders and is listed as a Farmer. He is in the 1900 Summit County Census age 61. Can’t find him in the 1920 Census.